Friday, June 27, 2008

Peer Pressure

I am surrounded by people knitting lace, mostly scarves, both in the real and virtual worlds of knitting. There's the beautiful, popular Lace Ribbon Scarf, the Mist Lace Scarf, and the
Feather and Fan. I felt myself crumbling to the peer pressure, and after a few false starts am 51 rows into the Lace Ribbon scarf. Here are some things I've learned:

1) I can read a chart! I finally figured it out! Go me!

2) The row counter is my friend.

3) The life-line is my other friend.

4) I can't knit lace if there are human beings around--they will inevitably ask a question, fuss at their sibling or make some sort of distracting sound, necessitating the use of #3.

5) While the yarn I'm using has beauty that will be almost impossible to truly capture in a photo, it's 100% merino wool and it's summer in South Carolina. It makes my hands hot just contemplate.

6) There's a reason this is a popular pattern (1300+ Ravelry-ites and counting). It's gorgeous. Even when I do it.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Who knew?

I'm not sure what they used to decide this, but who am I to argue with a computer-generated Blog Readability test??

blog readability test

Friday, June 20, 2008

Dish cloths and wash cloths and bags, oh my!

Here's one for me and my kitchen:

I don't know why, but Log Cabin knitting is so soothing.

And here's one for daHubby:


These guys were subconsciously adapted from the Big Bad Baby Blanket pattern, pix of which can be seen here, and daHubby's was finished on WWKiP Day.

And then there's this one that turned out too long:


And then there are the bags...both from the Elisa's Nest pattern:



Both bags have found homes elsewhere, so I'm knitting one for myself--slowly!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Me:"And what shall we name your little pet rabbit?"

Her:"We shall name him....celery!"

Him: "No! No vegetables!"

Me: (snicker, snicker, go to blog)

The object of the discussion:


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Happy Birthday to M.C. Escher

I don't quilt unless it's something I can knit, but I still see quilt patterns in in M.C. Escher's (born on this day in 1898) works. I don't know what this one is called, but it looks like Flying Geese to me. Flying Geese meet Flying Fish, that is.

Does anyone still have one of those crazy neckties made from an Escher print??

And then there's this close up of a bag SuperCraftyDancerGirl is making...coincidence?


Saturday, June 14, 2008