Thursday, September 13, 2007

International Items

You can file this one under WhoMakesUpTheseHolidaysAnyway? or StuffTheyShouldHaveTaughtUsInSchool, but it's....

International Chocolate Day!!!!!!

Is that ever a great holiday or what? You don't have to give gifts, but if you do, well, give chocolate! And you can eat chocolate. Sounds like a great holiday, doesn't it?

And on other international notes...

My Permission to Knit has been lovingly translated into the language of love. And since I love to knit, it's just so very appropriate. I must admit, my 8 years of French wasn't equal to the task. Merci, Startare!

So, with permission to knit in 2 languages, and some Russell Stover dark chocolate on hand, let the top-secret Christmas knitting continue unabated!!


Anonymous said...

finally a delicious holiday!!!!!!!!! speaking OF TOP-SECRET Christmas knitting.........

meredic said...

I see now how you came by me!

rebecca said...

The 13th may have been International Chocolate Day (a good day, no doubt), but tomorrow is International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Really!


Anonymous said...

Chocolate and knitting that sounds like your perfect holiday!