Friday, September 28, 2007

As of today, I'm only behind 9024 people in line at Ravelry. I think that's a huge jump from the last time I checked, which was Tuesday, when I was 11386 back...whew! Celebrate, it's only 4 digits now!

And it's a good thing, too 'cause I took a very scientific quiz and it turns out I'm a Knitter!

You are a Knitter, with the capital K. You are never found without needles and yarn in hand. Your favorite place is the yarn shop and you can never seem to leave without buying needles or wool or a pattern or those fantastic stitch markers. Darn yarn fumes. Your stash of yarn is the kind that spills out of closets and is taking over the house. And it's still growing. Beware of SABLE (Stash Acquisition Beyond Life Expectancy). You may need to bequeath yarn to people in your will. Knitting is a lifestyle for you, not just a hobby. You do it for fun, to make presents, or to cool off. We need more of your kind in the world. Go start a knitting club at your school or local coffee shop.

I did have someone say to me recently that they hardly recognized me without my knitting in hand! And I had to ask myself, am I that bad? Must be!

However, I was honestly shocked by the implication that I should only acquire yarn I will be able to use within my lifetime. This was a concept I had never before considered. I must say I'm not very fond of this concept either. So there.

The junior set in our house have been delving into the study of Ancient Egypt (Thank you, Staff at our local library, you totally rock!!). I'm wondering if it's worth the effort to find some evidence that any of those tombs had knitting needles in them for afterlife projects. Instead I should just be grateful that no one has yet suggested we try to turn the cats into mummies! There's already been talk of making gingerbread pyramids for Christmas this year....


startare said...

Salut, consoeur; yes I too am threatened by this terrible SABLE syndrome, but don't worry, I still have cotton inherited from my dear granny who left us in 1982, with a wonderful WOP i am still trying to finish; so I'd just be perpetuating a sort of family tradition.

puggyknits said...

A dear friend made a difficult choice last weekend and deposited her remaining knitting stash, complete with needles and almost finished projects, in the back-end of my little Ford Focus. Her husband had to lift the bags for us. Two very large see-through plastic tubs and several hours later, I now have an official stash storage site. All this after I had promised myself that I would save money and buy nothing else until my stash has been used up. There could have been two more tubs o'yarn, but I had to weed out anything I knew for sure I wouldn't use - ever. Like shocking pink acrylic and electric blue or orange, even if it was a decent wool blend...have to be somewhat reasonable, you know...

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to know that you're a knitter...I was concerned for a bit ;)! Yay for the Holiday season being just a stones throw away!